In an ongoing exploration of the relationship between people and plants, this group of drawings takes a closer look at the five senses, sight, touch, taste, sound and smell, and the way we experience the environment.
There is no question that tasty and terrible, prickly and pleasant, fragrant and foul, plants delight our senses, but it is not their job. Their scents and colors and tastes are all geared toward one thing: species survival – theirs, not ours. It is coincidence that the sensory output of plants affects us at all, but they do affect us, and we count on plants for survival and pleasure – ours not theirs.
Colored Pencil, mixed media • = SOLD
There is no question that tasty and terrible, prickly and pleasant, fragrant and foul, plants delight our senses, but it is not their job. Their scents and colors and tastes are all geared toward one thing: species survival – theirs, not ours. It is coincidence that the sensory output of plants affects us at all, but they do affect us, and we count on plants for survival and pleasure – ours not theirs.
Colored Pencil, mixed media • = SOLD
amuse bouche: ahh. Coffee
amuse bouche: mmm. Strawberry
amuse bouche: ew. Brussels Sprout