can· o · py (noun)
In botany, the uppermost layer of vegetation in a forest, consisting of the tops of trees forming a kind of ceiling for the understory, all the life that thrives beneath the canopy.
Shelter. Structure. Shade.
In the cold of winter, we are grateful for the architecture of trees that punctuates an empty landscape. In the awakening spring, it is the trees that first remind us that nature renews itself. In the heat of summer, we feel calm in the shade of trees. In autumn, the color of trees is the last hurrah before the cycle starts again. On the most basic level, trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. We owe our very breath to them.
Polaroid Transfer with Pastel and Colored Pencil • = SOLD
In botany, the uppermost layer of vegetation in a forest, consisting of the tops of trees forming a kind of ceiling for the understory, all the life that thrives beneath the canopy.
Shelter. Structure. Shade.
In the cold of winter, we are grateful for the architecture of trees that punctuates an empty landscape. In the awakening spring, it is the trees that first remind us that nature renews itself. In the heat of summer, we feel calm in the shade of trees. In autumn, the color of trees is the last hurrah before the cycle starts again. On the most basic level, trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. We owe our very breath to them.
Polaroid Transfer with Pastel and Colored Pencil • = SOLD
Canopy I: Umbrella Pine, Rome, Pinus pinea ©2012, 30″ X 40″
Season 96, Silver Maple, Acer saccharinum ©2012, 40″X 30″
Last Leaf: American Elm, Ulmus americana • ©2012, 30″ X 40″
Ancient Canopy: Cycad, Sydney Cycas rumphii • ©2012, 9″X12″
Quaking Aspen: Colorado Populus tremuloides • ©2012, 10″X 50"
Canopy II: Umbrella Pine, Rome, Pinus pinea ©2012, 30″ X 40″
Evening in Paris: Pollarded trees on the Seine ©2012, 30″ X 40″
Dappled Light: Shaded promenade, Vienna • ©2012, 30″ X 40″
Castle Keep: Cardiff Castle, Wales ©2012, 9″X12″
@Tweet: Topiary, Longwood Gardens, Philadelphia • ©2012, 9″X12″
Desert Shade II: Century Plant, Sonoran Desert Agave deserti • ©2012, 9″X12″
Desert Shade I: Giant Saguaro, Sonoran Desert Carnegiea gigantea • ©2012, 9″X12″